Sunday, September 27, 2009

AM Dedication to A Queen

As I begin to flatter your ears with intoxicating words birthed from my fingertips

Just know my only regret is you're not in my presence to enjoy their procession from my two lips

For now I am forced to tickle your fancy with a few quips, maybe some analogies concerning some possible scenes from the chapters of your life

Maybe when you were a little girl, you were an angel in your daddy's world

Maybe he wasn't around and you've been walking with that empty feeling that can only happen when your ears were not filled with the royal, comforting, re-assuring words of a King to his Princess

Either way, God has smiled on you with rays of mercy

Showers of love have rained down from the heavens above

Sometimes taking the forms of storms

But He's always provided shelter and sustenance to keep His princess warm

All blessings are from above, coupled with His consuming love

So whenever you look to the skies with tears in your eyes

Whether they be the product of grief, guilt or glee

When you feel the soothing comfort of a gentle breeze along your beautiful face sent personally from the One who loves you like no other can

You can stand strong and know you are free to be who He made you to be

A Queen

Lo Keys

Random Heart=Speak: Right Now Remedy

I see you are hurting and it bothers me

I know your whole story because I've been there the whole time

I'll release you if you allow me

From the mental confines of your dismantled mind

Broken apart from the unnatural disconnection between you mind and your heart

All the lies your eyes have been saying who could blame you

Love has left you feeling like it's a mystery because all through your history you've seen nothing but hurt and shame for it's name sake

Deeper than failed romance where you've taken countless chances with your heart

New hope constantly shattered like glass against concrete and brick

This piece will be available in its entirety in my forthcoming book, “HeartSpeak- Volume I”.
Stay tuned…

Lo ‘SpokenHeart’ Keys

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Random Heart-Speak: Stuck

I liken you to the North Star, guiding my soul to depths untold
Unfolding like a portrait accented with a frame of platinum I long to behold in the shadows like a weak man wishing he could be strong
Clutching my chest at the thought of just ingesting your fragrance
Sweet tangerines dipped in jasmine
Not for my consumption
Not with the assumption I can taste of your sacred fruit unless you allow me to venture into the depths of your sacred garden
Desiring a pardon from the mental hell that swells to the highest degree of Fahrenheit

This piece will be available in its entirety in my forthcoming book, “HeartSpeak- Volume I”.
Stay tuned…

Lo ‘SpokenHeart’ Keys

Random Heart-Speak: Conversation

Can we talk
Can we go for a long walk
Can I take your hand as we stroll along the sand
Along the way we can catch the sun as he hides himself underneath the horizon
And let the passion of our words consume us under the subtle illumination of the gently rising moon
And listen to the celebration of the stars as music
As they gather to commemorate this Edenic moment of God's choosing
There are things I want to say to you that I have told no other woman
Because I never thought about them till I laid my eyes on you
It's like I can see the words forming in the air

This piece will be available in its entirety in my forthcoming book, “HeartSpeak- Volume I”.
Stay tuned…

Lo ‘SpokenHeart’ Keys

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Random Heart-Speak: Touch

I see you sister

My heart sees and feels you

Walking around in a pain-induced hypnosis

Hypnotized by scandalous lies into believing

Pain, hurt, deception then rejection is all you'll ever be receiving from those who call themselves men

Eyes glazed

Spiritually dazed

Slowly moving to a state of psychosis

From tainted love being heaped on you in huge doses

I'm praying for you

This piece will be available in its entirety in my forthcoming book, “HeartSpeak- Volume I”.
Stay tuned…

Lo ‘SpokenHeart’ Keys